Heritage COVID-19 Resources


Tracking the Trends in the COVID-19 Deaths

This interactive map provides up-to-date, county-level information on total deaths and the 14-day trend of new deaths with population and population-density data.

COVID-19 Death Rates by State

Death rates from COVID-19 vary broadly from one state to the other. Most notable are those handful of states with rates significantly higher than the overall national rate.

COVID-19 Deaths by Age

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 is deadliest among older populations. CDC data also show that Americans, regardless of age group, are far more likely to die of something other than COVID-19.

One Percent of U.S. Counties Account for Bulk of COVID-19 Deaths

While the death toll in the U.S. from COVID-19 continues to increase, a significant proportion of those deaths have occurred in just a handful of counties.


COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker: What's Going on in the States?

States are rolling out COVID-19 vaccines, but how well are they doing?

COVID Hypocrisy: Policymakers Breaking Their Own Rules

Rules for thee but not for me? This interactive map shows the continuing hypocrisy of local, state, and federal officials who violate their own coronavirus mandates, policies, or other restrictions. Some officials have violated their own rules more than once.

Counties with the Highest Levels of COVID-19 Deaths

County-level information on death totals and deaths per 100,000 population.

Tracking the Trends in the COVID-19 Cases

As the U.S. looks to reopen, citizens are seeking to understand the nature of the spread of COVID in their locations.

Coronavirus Commission: 5 Key Criteria for Recovery

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a project of The Heritage Foundation, brought together some of the nation’s top experts to develop policy recommendations for how to reopen America and combat the novel coronavirus.

K-12 School Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis

The rapid spread of the coronavirus outbreak prompted public schools nationwide to close, some for the rest of the school year.

Calculating the Costs of Declining Industries

The COVID-19 virus has already had a massive impact on the U.S. economy.